We were talking about Clean Login a while ago, in this post (Spanish). Current post is related with the WPML compatibility and how to use it different languages.

Clean Login plugin provides different forms to interact with your WordPress site from the frontend. In short words, it is a responsive frontend login and registration plugin; a plugin for displaying login, register, editor and restore password forms through shortcodes.

Clean Login by Codection.- WPML Compatible

All premium and free plugins, and also tailor made software developed by us, Codection, are compatible with WPML.

This post is about how to configure and what steps are required to use Clean Login WordPress plugin and WPML together. Even though Clean Login follows all the WordPress standards to translate strings and it is translation ready, there are many languages, and final users sometimes don’t know where to start.

First off, you can find out how Clean Login works in a demo site from the WPML testing team.

Initially, if you are looking for WPML compatibility, what you need (and it’s required, as you can guess) is the core WPML Multilingual plugin (no more add-ons are required unless you need them for other purpose). Here you can find a guide for installing & activating WPML (and here in Codection we have also prepared for you this WPML tutorial, in Spanish, currently under way)


What should you to do if Clean Login doesn’t support your language? Currently Clean Login is translated to fourteen languages, but if your language is not completely updated or not included at all you can (from more difficult to the easiest way):

  • Translate by yourself, through a PO file editor. We recommend Poedit.
  • Translate by yourself, through an online translation manager, you can use both String Translation add-on from WPML and the wonderful Loco Translate plugin for WordPress.
  • Contact us and we will send you a sheet (an Excel file) that you can fill, and then we can generate the new translation files for your language.

Well, assuming you have your languages all set, there is only one thing you need to keep in mind with Clean Login, one of the languages should be the master, the base one, as in WordPress.

When you want to add a form, you have to edit a new post, and this will be the place for the login, profile editor, restore password or registration form. For instance, if English is your base language, please save (or update) the post which contains the Clean Login shortcode at the end, when you finish editing the other languages. If so, this will be the referral language, and all of them will be pointed to it. That’s all!Nota: Hay una valoración incrustada en esta entrada, por favor, visita esta entrada para valorarla.

Almacenamos las IPs desde la que se envían las valoraciones para evitar fraudes

Alberto Hornero Luque

Hace poco fundó junto a Javier Carazo esta startup, Codection. Puedes seguir sus updates en @ahornero y LinkedIn. Contínuamente relacionado con el procesamiento de imágenes y el análisis numérico, se encuentra actualmente trabajando como Ingeniero Técnico en el laboratorio de Métodos Cuantitativos de Teledetección del CSIC. Administrador y blogger del portal Linux Hispano centra sus intereses en tecnologías abiertas, desarrollos en la nube y GNU/Linux.

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